Results for Claims Support (29)

For claims submitted online in real-time, you will be prompted to provide proof of payment only when required (but do keep copies for 13 months after the date of service). If submitting claims through

There are times when this information is incomplete or illegible, or the dentist’s office has different information on file than we have for the plan member or participant. Please ensure that the

Your plan has limitations on how often an item, service, or procedure will be covered. As claims are processed, our system keeps track and once you reach your limitation, the claim will be denied. 

 Online account To check your claim status using your online account, follow the steps below: Sign into your online account. Navigate to your claims history by clicking on ‘Your Claims’ from the top

Reimbursement for your prescription medication was reduced to the price of the lowest cost alternative drug. Depending on your plan, reimbursement may be limited to the price lowest cost alternative (